一点の曇りもない地平に広がる鮮烈な景色。青空のもと朝日を浴び輝く砂が無限に広がる黄金の砂丘。青空のもと金色の稲穂が絶え間なく揺れる田園。青空のもと太陽の光を浴びる静かなる雪山の山頂。真っ青な空はそのまま深宇宙へと溶け込んでゆく。施釉方法が最も活きる、紅輪を代表するアイテムです。プレートとしての使用はもちろん、アートピースとしても空間を一変させます。深淵なテクスチャーがフラットな表面を貫きます。地平 “horizon”の連なりこそが“世界”です。
The vivid landscape spreads across the unclouded horizon.Under the blue sky, the golden sand dunes stretch infinitely, glistening in the morning sunlight. Under the blue sky, the golden rice stalks sway endlessly in the fields. Under the blue sky, the quiet snow-capped mountain peak basks in the sunlight. The deep blue sky seamlessly merges into the vast expanse of space. Representing kōrin, this item shines brightest when meticulously glazed using a misting technique. Its versatility extends beyond mere use as a plate; it transforms spaces as an art piece. Profound texture penetrates the flat surface, creating depth and intrigue .he continuous expanse of the horizon itself is the “world.”
Size | Φ26.5cm × H1cm ,1kg
⚪︎Microwave ×Oven ⚪︎Dishwasher