輪花皿。「輪」の字が込められた、紅輪の旗印となるアイテムです。「紅輪」が意味するのは、ひとつには日の丸。その旗を掲げて世界に“Answer The Contrast”のメッセージを発信していきます。花を数え上げる際に使うのも「輪」。紅い花、例えばそれは深紅の薔薇。ヴィジョンは「愛」。紅輪の作陶地は岐阜県多治見です。しかし活動拠点は「愛知」に置いています。薔薇の美、薔薇の棘。花言葉さながらに、花の多義性をシンボライズする。そのフィロソフィーを器に落とし込んだのが紅輪のrinkaです。
The Rinka plate, imbued with the character “輪” (rin), serves as a symbolic item, representing a flag emblem of kōrin.”紅輪=kōrin” signifies, among other things, the Japanese flag, symbolizing the rising sun. With this flag raised, we aim to broadcast the message of “Answer The Contrast” to the world. The character “輪” (rin) is also used when counting flowers. Leading to the vision beyond the red flowers is the deep crimson rose, symbolizing “love.” kōrin ceramics are crafted in Tajimi, Gifu Prefecture, while our operational base is situated in Aichi, which carries the character meaning “knowing love.” Just like the beauty and thorns of a rose, Rinka symbolizes the multifaceted meanings of flowers, embodying their symbolism. It is this philosophy that is embedded within kōrin’s “rinka”.
Size | Φ15cm × H3.4cm